Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Re-starting the discussions for the new year

A very happy new year to all of you!
We have not been using the blog as much as we could, so I thought we should re-start the discussions. To begin the new year, I thought we could start our discussion with the following:

"Spending time in pursuit of beauty is a waste in times of economic turmoil and global terrorist threats"

Do put in what you feel about this... I shall too. 


Prof. M P Ranjan said...

Dear Sasi

Good to see some action again on the blog.

Let me share a quote from Bucky Fuller on the topic of beauty below:

"Beauty emerges from any design that is working"
R. Buckninister Fuller

as quoted in the new book "The Designful Company" by Marty Neumeier, New Riders & AIGA, Berkeley 2009.

With warm regards

M P Ranjan
from my office at NID
21 January 2009 at 3.05 pm IST

Sasi Menon said...

Hi Ranjan,
I think that is a very appropriate start to a possibly long and definitely interesting discussion. I leave the forum open to the students to interpret the quote and put in their views...